
Imagined Futures has achieved significant results from its strong, collective response to complex social problems.

By bringing people and agencies together from across the South West Metropolitan region, Imagined Futures is delivering coordinated services that create lasting impact.

Our Youth initiative has delivered results in attendance, resilience and conduct across primary and high schools, and the Community initiative has improved natural and built environments, strengthening sense of place and personal connections.

Some of our achievements include:

  • Ongoing engagement of approximately 80 members from not-for-profit organisations and government providers of human services, as well as community members, business, and philanthropists to better integrate services to the community.
  • Forging of strong relationships between members, resulting in many practical actions such as:
    • PCYCs, local primary schools, and volunteers from St Pat’s teaming up to provide a pickup service for vulnerable students from Davis Park to be taken to breakfast club and onto school every day
    • participants in the Keeping Kids Engaged project being able to access SMYL’s workshops and facilities
  • Recognition as a collaborative work exemplar in the Supporting Communities Forum’s report Build, support and sustain a culture of collaboration between and within Government and the Community Services Sector commissioned by the West Australian Premier.
  • Attracted much needed additional services into the area and established strategies of non-competitiveness among members to secure funding with a focus on the South West Metropolitan region
  • Multiple requests for guidance in setting up collaborative or collective impact initiatives from local, interstate and international sources.
  • Winner of two Institute of Public Administration Australia Awards for:
    • Best Practice in Collaboration between Government and Non-Government organisations and;
    • Innovation in the Public Sector
  • Youth counsellor Simone Ryan awarded Fremantle Citizen of the Year 2018.

Our initiatives


Supporting young people, their families and carers, communities and schools.


Aiding the State Government’s 10 year strategy for ending homelessness.


Responding to issues faced by residents of suburbs with high density social housing.