Display Our Materials

Look for opportunities to put up our posters and display our mental health support brochures in your organisation, club, workplace, school, and community group.

We have several sizes of posters available, suitable for notice boards, or the back of toilet doors.

The Mental Health Support Brochures brings together key information in one place including crisis lines, local face to face services, vetted telephone and online supports and contacts for community navigators.  Services are free or low-cost and do not need referrals.

Email ifaad@stpats.com.au to order these free resources.

Look for opportunities to display posters and brochures around your organisation, workplace, club, school, community centre, or any other venue.

To arrange for pick-up or delivery of hard copy campaign posters and brochures, please call 08 6372 4873 or email ifaad@stpats.com.au

Alternately, you can download electronic versions to print or use electronically. Click on the following links: