Where is the Door?

Connecting people living in Cockburn, Fremantle and Melville to the right support at the right time.

The Issue

Where is the Door? project was developed as part of the Imagined Futures COVID-19 Response Plan, in response to the social and economic impact of COVID-19 on the community, and the greater numbers of people needing assistance, many of whom have never accessed social services before.

With the current climate of rising interest rates, increasing costs of living and accommodation shortages has created increased stress for individuals and families. Many people find themselves looking for support for the first time and do not know where to start. Yet, the earlier people seek help, the more options are available and the easier it is to stop problems from worsening. Where is the Door? project is an early intervention approach to look at innovative ways for people to access the right services at the right time.

The Approach

The Where is the Door? project aims are to improve and test new ways of connecting vulnerable people to available supports and:

  • Enable timely access to services by ensuring people are aware of the supports available to them and how to access relevant supports.
  • A broad understanding and increased literacy for community members to help support and link family, friends, and neighbors to available supports.
  • Build on existing knowledge and approaches and develop the best approach to ensuring people seeking assistance across the South West Metropolitan region receive the right help, at the right time, by identifying and engaging early with people seeking or needing assistance.

Key Focus areas:

  1. Mental Health
  2. Family and Domestic Violence
  3. Financial Wellbeing
Image credit: Gregory J Smith

Our Impact


Connecting with existing programs and services through IF collective impact approach and community partnerships to identify and respond to specific community needs using a placed-based, person-centered approach

Open Door Community

A group of community connectors – both paid and unpaid – working across the South West metropolitan region, meeting regularly to explore opportunities for delivering community engagement and networking, improving literacy of front-line workers and sharing integrated messaging aspects of the Where is the Door? framework.

Place-based solutions

Developing tools and resources and tailoring them to better connect specific groups to existing services in the local region, such as referral tools for GP’s, schools, parents and carers, young people, service providers and more.

Where is the door? website

A Where is the door? website has been created for community members and services providers to access a range of free and low-cost services in Cockburn, Fremantle and Melville. The website provides first point of contact to local supports, encouraging people to reach out early, helping them to understand services that are available, what they are eligible for and help them navigate to the right support at the right time.

Click here to view the Where is the door? website.