Imagined Futures Funding Announcement

We’re thrilled to share that Imagined Futures has been awarded funding from the Stan Perron Charitable Foundation. Their generous funding is a contribution toward the resourcing that we need for us to continue the momentum that we have built over the last 10 years delivering on a range of projects that promote the health and wellbeing of children and young people in our community.

One of the greatest challenges in place-based collective impact work is the lack of dedicated funding pathways to support it. Despite widespread recognition of the urgent need, bridging this gap remains a critical task. In this context, the Stan Perron Foundations’ funding is especially significant. We are grateful for Stan Perron’s forward thinking in contributing to this work while more sustainable funding streams are established. Together, we’ll continue to make a positive impact.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to St Pat’s for facilitating this incredible opportunity. Imagined Futures operates under St Pat’s auspices, and their CEO, Michael Piu, serves as the Chair of our partnership. Michael’s unwavering support for Imagined Futures and his remarkable ability to identify opportunities for the benefit of our community’s most vulnerable members is truly exceptional.