Together we’re helping everyone get through

NB: This is an excerpt of an article originally published in the Fremantle Herald on April 24, 2020. Read the full article here.

The Covid-19 pandemic has honed our collective attention on some of the most vulnerable people in our community. As often happens in times of crisis, the worst of times has brought out the best in us. Indeed we are witnessing a beautiful display of community spirit.

The challenges wrought by this pandemic have moved the dial on perceptions of people needing help. We have now moved from considering social disadvantage an abstract concept to one that is very much in the forefront of our minds. Over a very short period of time we have all become acutely aware that most of us are only ever a couple of steps away from being in the Centrelink queue, or needing help to feed our families. 

With this reality, comes an appreciation of the many people who have based their careers on assisting others: medical staff, police and community workers. These people are clearly the heroes of the moment, working tirelessly to get us through this. They are admirably rising to the challenge that this once in a generation crisis is heaping upon us.

We’ve had the opportunity to glimpse what can happen when we all come together – political and collective-will combining with the community agencies, business and philanthropy to deliver on supporting our community through an exceptional challenge.

… Read more here.