Navigating Children’s Mental Health Services in the South West metro region

The Imagined Futures Community of Practice delivered another impactful workshop today – this time aimed at building the capacity of service providers to navigate the service system to improve support for children experiencing mental ill-health and their families.

This collaborative effort brought together 40 people from 22 agencies spanning government, non-profit agencies, and private practice.

As the keynote speaker the Commissioner for Children and Young People the Hon. Jacqueline McGowan-Jones spoke with eloquence and passion about the need for young person’s voices to be heard, the urgency for action to address childhood poverty and trends such as the rapid increase in numbers of young people from multicultural communities requiring support.

Following the keynote address, participants engaged in roundtable Q and A sessions with local providers of support for families and children including:

  • Just Kids Health
  • South West Metro Parenting Network,
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service,
  • Connecting Communities for Kids
  • Uniting WA’s Attach program and
  • Youthcare

This event is part of an ongoing series of workshops with each one responding to specific community needs, ensuring our efforts are timely and relevant.

The success of these events is a true reflection of the calibre and commitment of the Community of Practice members*, which is ably led by Sue Nickisson from Communicare.  The workshops are put together on an extremely small budget because each of the members’ contributions are largely in kind – for example the in this case the venue was provided by the City of Cockburn.  Each of the CoP members worked together to organize logistics and promote the event. Imagined Futures contributed to the catering costs through the Where is the Door? Project funding.

*Imagined Futures Community of Practice is comprised of Sue Nickkison, Communicare (Chair); Sakina Bindahneem, Fremantle Women’s Health Centre; Evie Devitt-Rix, City of Fremantle; Linda Walker, City of Cockburn; Kriz Brander, Library Connect (St Pat’s/ City of Fremantle) with backbone support from Karen Silverthorne, Imagined Futures.


Davis Park Recipe Book Volume 1

The Davis Park project is run by Imagined Futures who have been operating in Davis Park since 2014. Imagined Futures work with the community to create a community where residents feel safe and supported; where children and young people are engaged in educational, vocational, and recreational activities. We work together to create a good place to live.
A sausage sizzle has been held at Davis Park for several years, providing a place and time for residents to meet and connect. It is at these gatherings that local community matters are discussed, problems and joys are shared. In 2022, we came up with the One Pot Wonder idea – where we would cook up a healthy, affordable, and yummy meal once a week that could be cooked in one pot. Each week, we come together to prepare and cook a one pot wonder to share. We love our Fridays in the park and we hope you enjoy these recipes as much as we have! Our recipe book can be found here!

Imagined Futures partnership delivers on mobile health care and emergency relief for Beaconsfield residents

Beaconsfield residents will soon have access to mobile medical care and emergency food relief among other social services, thanks to a new initiative from Imagined Futures.

Imagined Futures Executive Officer Leigh Sinclair said Freo Street Doctor, provided by Black Swan Health, and Red Cross vans would visit Davis Park located in central Beaconsfield once a fortnight from Friday next week, as part of the Imagined Futures partnership’s goal to connect residents in social housing to services.

Ms Sinclair said residents had reported experiencing complex challenges in the neighbourhood, which is made up of 97% social housing properties.

She said the Imagined Futures partnership recognised that no one organisation could resolve social issues facing sections of the community and brought together organisations across Fremantle, Cockburn and Melville to provide opportunities for residents to reach their full potential and engage more fully in all areas of life and living.

“The Street Doctor and Red Cross project from Imagined Futures is just one of the ways that the partnership is reaching out to the community in the Davis Park precinct,” Ms Sinclair said.

“We are delighted to begin offering Street Doctor and Red Cross services for residents, who often lack transport to reach these crucial services.”

Ms Sinclair said trial visits by the Street Doctor had already highlighted the need for effective mobile medical care in the precinct, after effectively saving the life of a much-loved father.

She said Davis Park resident Corey Brown sought assistance from the Street Doctor earlier this month, at his partner Angie Jenkins’ encouragement.

“Unbeknown to him, Mr Brown was suffering from an acute medical condition,” Ms Sinclair said.

“The Street Doctor on duty referred him immediately to the emergency ward at Fiona Stanley Hospital, who told Mr Brown he may not have survived the night had he not sought treatment that day.

“These are the types of cases that may have been missed were it not for this fantastic new project.”

Black Swan Health chief executive Terina Grace said she looked forward to working with Imagined Futures towards better health outcomes for Davis Park residents.

She said more than 90% of Freo Street Doctor clients relied on the service as their primary healthcare provider.

“The service aims to care for those members of our community who for many reasons may not access mainstream general practice,” Ms Grace said.

Chair of Imagined Futures and St Patrick’s Community Support Centre Chief Executive Officer Michael Piu, said he was delighted to see the establishment of this new initiative, particularly because it further complements other work occurring in the region including the St Patrick’s Doorstep Dinners program.

“St Pat’s is proud the Doorstep Dinner program has been so well received in the Davis Park precinct and having the Freo Street Doctor and Red Cross vans in the Park means that residents have access to an even greater range of services,” Mr PIu said.

The Freo Street Doctor will visit Davis Park in Beaconsfield once a fortnight between 11am to 2pm, from Friday 4 September. The service is available to anyone who is experiencing hardship and unable to access a mainstream GP.

Red Cross will also be on site to distribute food hampers.

Imagined Futures – Davis Park is provided by St Patrick’s Community Support Centre Inc and funded by the State Government through the Department of Communities.