Imagined Futures releases COVID-19 Response Plan

Imagined Futures recognises that tackling complex social issues  is beyond the capacity of any single organisation to resolve, and that the only way to effect large scale change is through working together and mobilising the resources available across the South West Metropolitan region to achieve common goals.

Since the pandemic began, the Imagined Futures Leadership Group has been meeting often to identify emerging issues, coordinate activities, and to look for opportunities to collaborate in a timely manner.  It soon became evident that there was a need to develop a plan to guide a coordinated whole-of-community response to mitigating the impacts of the COVID-19 across our region. The Plan is informed by members’ reports on the impact of the pandemic on their clients, an environmental scan, and a planning session.

In these unprecedented times the partnership is keen to build on the established structure of Imagined Futures to the greatest possible effect.  This plan is premised on ensuring we remain connected to our community, continually monitor the impacts of COVID-19 on our region, and, it positions us to maximise our collective resources in a place-based way.

A copy of the plan can be found here: Imagined Futures COVID-19 Response Plan